Sunday, July 10, 2011

Its been way too long...

I don't think I need a caption since I think you can all tell I'm 20 wks here.

 One of my favorite pictures
I was in California for the 4th of July and saw this sign and had to take a picture. I am 6months prego here.

My friend Jacki has been ever so amazing and helping me document my whole pregnancy while Rich isn't here to see it for himself. I am so grateful that she has helped me create ever lasting memories for my family. I am currently 25wks and this baby boy is getting bigger every day. This week he is the size of an eggplant and 1 1/2 pounds. I am going to Alaska in Aug to see Rich before I cant travel anymore and before we know it, our little man will be here. I'm so thankful Rich is getting to take his mid-tour in Oct so he will be here when the baby is born.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a boy!!!!!

Rich and I were very excited to found out that we are having a baby boy. Rich was actually able to come home for the big reveal. He was so happy that he finally got to see the baby. He told me it makes it real to actually see the baby and his heart beating away. October cant get here soon enough. We want to meet our little man. As of now we don't have a name. That is still a work in progress.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The News is Out... We're having a baby!!!!

We are very excited to announce that we will be having a baby in Oct. We are so blessed to have such amazing support. We will find out what we are having in May. And hopefully Rich will be home for the big am I a boy or girl day. If not I will take a journey to Alaska so I can see Rich before the baby comes. Either way if we are both in the states we will find a way to see each other.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Delays in bringing Romeo and Juliet back together.

With the tragedy in Japan, the military has stopped all rotators going to Korea. This was our number one option for us getting to see each other more than once during his year tour over there. A military plane ticket would have been $30 each way. This is a vast difference from a commerical flight which would have cost $1700 not including any taxes. This is way more than we ever thought of spending. So until further notice Romeo and Juliet will be separated for a  little while longer.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New 4-legged family member!

1 yr old- Mini Aussie

She has definitely brought a smile to my face while my hubby has been in Korea. She is the most loving dog I've ever met. Sure I'm going to need a steam cleaner once she gets out of her "Holy Crap my previous daddy isn't coming back and I'm in a new place stage." I think, she would like to think of it as leaving her mark but I don't think the apartments will think that, hence the reason for the steam cleaner. But besides that little thing she loves absolutely everyone and everything. Her favorite thing to do is play fetch and she will play for hours if I would let her. I have been sleeping on the couch because she isn't allowed on my bed and when I tried to sleep in my room she cried the whole night. So until she feels a little more comfortable I can handle the couch for a few more nights.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's been forever!!!!

My sister Kristina and her hubby Jarett and Rich and I.

I've tried and I've tried but I just couldn't upload any new blogs for some reason. Rich and I have been all over the States since we've been home but currently we are in Montgomery, Alabama. He is here for SOS which is Squadron Officer School. He is learning about leadership and much more.
I am going to try and keep my blog up and running. Its going to be hard with couple updates because Rich leaves for Korea again the beginning of February. He will be there for a year. I plan on getting a job or something to keep my mind off of the long days without my love.
One of my best friends Jacki took our pictures for us for Christmas. I possibly cant thank her enough for creating everlasting memories for us.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Made With Love!!!

And the special Memorial Day project for Uncle Rich begins.Isabelle working!
Madee is starting her's too!
Ta-Da! We Love you Uncle Rich!
Stay Safe!
Isabelle turned 5 this summer so Uncle Rich said she could go to Build-a-Bear. She was so excited that she chose a pony with gold feet that she named it Goldie. Madee came too and built a brown boy bear that she named Prince Eric. They had to make a bear for Uncle Rich too that we sent him in his Memorial Day We Miss You Box!

We miss Uncle Rich very much we are trying to stay busy by making him crafts and sending him cards to let him know we are thinking about him everyday. The girls aren't quite sure why Uncle Rich is gone but they do understand he is protecting us from the bad guys. If you ask Madee where Uncle Rich is she'll say "Afghanistan" Then you ask her "Madee why is Uncle Rich there?" She'll tell you "Is is killing the bad guys." For 3 years old she sure is smart!